Indian energy exchange Ltd (IEX) - Multibagger stock recommendation from stock market trends


Indian energy exchange Ltd (IEX)  - Multibagger stock recommendation from stock market trends

 Indian Energy Exchange is a Power Exchange, authorized by the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) for spot exchanging power/power and exchanging of Renewal Energy Certificate (REC) and Energy Saving Certificates (ESCerts). The primary movement of the organization is to give a computerized stage and framework for doing exchanging power units for actual conveyance of power.

The beneficiaries of service are

  • Power generation companies
  • Distribution companies
  • Industrial consumers

The company has a better profit growth of 17.48% for the past 3 years. Maintaining healthy ROE of 48.72% and ROCE of 64.34% over the past 3 years. Company is virtually debt free. 

IEX is steadily investing in technology and deepening the power market through new products such as Real-time market . 

The stock is recommended to BUY for an investment period of 5 years. Expected give a 3 times return on investment.

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